4 in 5 people indicated that they seek high-quality parks and recreation when choosing a place to live. i Research has shown a 5% increase in property values for houses within 500 feet of a park is a conservative estimate of the change in property value due to proximity to a park.ii
Basic park plan at a higher level, working with experts and community members.
Design elements of the park, such as walking trails, bike paths, relaxation areas, kids’ areas, sculpture gardens, etc.
Raise funds and engage volunteers.
Begin implementation of the high-level park components.
Host events to promote the park, like a winter glow with lighted trees and sculptures.
Park plan at a more refined level, working with experts and community members.
Design additional elements of the park, such as teaching areas, monarch gardens, birdhouses, picnic areas, a shelter, and places for businesses to do outdoor sessions like yoga, etc.
Raise funds and engage volunteers.
Implementation of the more refined park components.
Host events to promote the park, like a spring flourish of flowering bulbs or an egg hunt.